Signs that Childbirth Is Near, What Are?

The signs of giving birth will be greeted with joy and tension. Generally, HPL (Estimated Day of Birth) is predicted to occur at 40 weeks of gestation. However, your baby is sometimes ready to be born sooner. Even so, many …

Why does the mouth taste bitter when it hurts? This is the cause and how to overcome it

Have you ever had a bitt mouth when you were sick? This of course affects appetite and even makes you nauseous. In fact, you need nutrients from food to help the recovery process. This condition is normal. So, what is …

How to accept your partner’s shortcomings to live a more comfortable life

In this world there are no couples who are completely compatible with each other. Even couples who have been married for a long time will find one or two things that don’t match. Therefore, you should start learning how to …

Is it true that staying up late can cause low blood pressure?

Can staying up late cause low blood pressure? This question may arise because after staying up late the body often feels discomfort. Symptoms felt after staying up late may be identical to symptoms of low blood pressure (hypotension) such as …